16. June 2019
10. May 2019
10. January 2019
Hello mates and sorry to be so often away these days. I hope everybody had a good start in the year 2019. For me it is a very exiting start because of my first official Cover Art for a german science fiction radioplay. It is called “Fraktal” and i am talking about episode number 6 and right now i am about to finish episode number 7. I will show you the work as soon as possible but as to legimitations of the customer i have to wait with posting or showing any work until the official date of releasing the episode. This radioplay is all about science fiction and my goal was to build a scenery with one big planet called “Kintaru” which has a global lightning shield and his two moons. On top of that i had to build the view of a spacecommander reaching Kintaru looking full of […]