22. May 2019
23. October 2018
After several rendershots from my automotive Bugattie Chiron scene, i tried several emission looks. tweaking the color and the intensity i finaly came out with this render. I think this variation is quiet different than the other variation before. You can check the previous version here: “another-shot-directly-without-filter“. I think the new variation gives us a lot more details, which you can see mostly in the middle of the rim. Also the more different colors of each single chiron piece is more present than before. I will render out a short animation of a camera move and will show you the result hopefully this week. Until than stay tuned and do not forget to subscribe to my social channels. neo
30. August 2018
hey folks, i am glad to show you the first frame of my new automotive animation coming out in September. Focus of course is the great Bugatti Chiron. Theme of the animation is “lights and reflections” and the first setup of the great new Plugin “Light Kit Pro 3” from Greyscalegorilla. I truly can recommend this plugin as it makes your work as an 3d Artist much easier and more comfortable. As you can see the main light resources for the car are the neon lights placed in a circle around it. The reflections which changes their look, when you pas the car with the camera move are impressive and i can´t wait to show you. But for now i hope you like the atmosphere built by color and light. See you soon neo!
27. August 2018
It is a big point when it comes to do your piece of work in order to develope a special atmosphere. In the following project my goal was to create a kind of atmosphere including “mysticism, fear, curiosity, crime” to put it in a nutshell a place you do not want to hang arround at a time about midnight. I worked a lot with fog and light. Everything was kind of dirty and disgusting except this shiny car in the focus of the scene.He is the opposite in the scene and catches a lot of light to reflect it in order to build up its own kind of atmosphere which was made in kind of bluish style. Hope you like it.